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Clubhouse Opening at Noon Tuesday, February 16th

From: Jennifer Hughes
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2016 5:39 AM
Subject: URGENT: Clubhouse is on a Delayed Schedule

Update: Beware Icy Streets Delayed Schedule

The Clubhouse will open on a delayed schedule at Noon, Tuesday, February 16.

**Please beware the sidewalks, parking lot and streets in the Community are icy. **

Emery Snow Removal has completed the sanding and salting for our community. However, with the very low temperatures and everything freezing Emery Snow Removal used up his entire supply of sand and salt.

The rising temperatures should allow opening later today.

The Clubhouse parking lot is very icy, if you decide to venture out to the Clubhouse by car or on foot please be extremely careful.

Jennifer Hughes
General Manager

Your Board of Directors (May 2015):

President - Sue Hebert
Vice-President - Jim O'Malley
Secretary - Dennis Brennan
Treasurer - Chuck Wilde
Fred Bankert
John Deller
Vince Ogilvie